Sunday 4 June 2017

How Does Orthodontic Treatment Work?

In order to move your teeth, there are many different types of appliances are used so that they can position to their original place and also can be fixed. A moderate and pleasant force or pressure is placed on your jaws and teeth. This affects the expansion and growth of your jaws so that your teeth can shift to its right position. The severity of your dental problem will define what type of orthodontic appliance you will need.
1. Braces:
These are the common orthodontic appliances which are fixed in the mouth. They consist of bands which are fixed on your teeth and makes use of the anchors. They are also having brackets which are attached to the front portion of your teeth. These braces are also called traditional metal braces which are made up of hard metal. Nowadays there are lots of people who are using these brackets especially kids. You can also opt for colored plastic bands because they are more attractive and are more vibrant.

2. Clear braces:
These are the perfect solution for the improper positioning of your teeth. You can also go for affordable Invisalign treatment in Durham; they offer you quality braces in Durham. These braces perform very efficiently and will look translucent.

3. Invisible braces:

These braces are called Invisalign and are invisible to others. They are having visible trays which can be customized according to the individual patient. These braces are nowadays in vogue because of their feature of being invisible.