Thursday 5 July 2018

The Multiple Options of Orthodontic Care in Durham

Most people wish they had a perfect smile; however, many individuals have teeth that are overcrowded or out of place that causes them to be self-conscience about the way that they smile. In addition to having self-esteem issues, teeth that are not properly aligned can also cause dental hygiene issues, as it is harder to get teeth clean if the crevices are tight. This lack of proper hygiene can lead to tooth decay and gun disease. If you are a person who thinks your smile could be straighter, then you need to check out your options for braces.

There are any options for braces in today’s time, as technological advances have been made. In order to start the process of getting braces, you need to call Orthodontist center in Roxboro and set up an appointment. Durham Orthodontist center will set up your initial appointment. At this first appointment, the orthodontist will take pictures of your mouth, as well as x-rays and possibly even a mold of your mouth. After these items are completed, the orthodontist at Durham Braces treatment will explain what your treatment options are.

Treatment options at Orthodontist clinic in Durham will most likely include either traditional braces or Invisalign braces. Traditional braces include using metal brackets on the teeth, as well as wires and rubber bands. Every 4-8 weeks these wires are tightened in order to cause your shift to teeth into what should be their natural position. Invisalign treatment is very different from the traditional braces method, but still obtains you the same results in about the same time frame. With Invisalign, your teeth are straightened in sections. The orthodontist designs a plan of treatment and every few weeks you get a new clear, invisible aligner made out of medical grade plastic. This aligner is customized to fit only your mouth. Over time, this aligner forces your teeth to slowly shift into the proper placement.

There are pros and cons to both methods of straightening your teeth. These are things that the orthodontist at Braces treatment in Roxboro should be more than happy to discuss with you. Their office should also be fully prepared to discuss with you what payment options you have. The office staff can evaluate your dental insurance and let you know if it covers any of the cost associated with braces. They will then work with you to make payment arrangements for the remainder of the balance.

 With today’s advancements in orthodontic care and with payment plans available, there is no reason to avoid seeking orthodontic treatment. Everyone deserves to be able to smile without embarrassment and to have the chance to improve their oral health. Contact Durham Orthodontist center today to explore your options.