Tuesday 7 June 2016

Are You Thinking About Choosing Invisible Braces?

So it’s been decided, your orthodontist says you need braces. You’ve heard the horror stories your friends have shared with you about pain, and discomfort. You may be nervous and scared of what will happen during your process of getting braces. The good thing is, it’s not forever, and it’s not as bad as you think it’s going to be. Many people are just like you, and have to get braces at some point in time during their life. The great thing about braces is, they are not forever, and you will have a beautiful, straight smile at the end that will make it so worth it.

At Roxboro Orthodontics, our staff is committed to making your visits, making your process as simple and comfortable. We do our best to make sure your visits are enjoyable and as painless as possible in our fun and relaxing environment. During your first visit with Roxboro Orthodontics, you can expect to go over the process and procedures that come with getting your Roxboro Braces. You can expect to go over your customized treatment options in full detail, estimated treatment length, and the associated costs. The great part is, the initial consultation is on us! Our staff will begin by taking diagnostic records, including pictures and X-rays. These pictures will be used throughout your treatment to monitor progress. Although your first consultation is on us, there is a charge for collecting the diagnostics.

When you first get fitted for your Roxboro Braces, there will be a few things you will need to adjust in your lifestyle. Eating is the number one thing you will need to get used to. There are a few foods you will need to avoid and a few you will need to change. You’ll want to stick to foods that are soft, fluffy, and easily mashed up. Some great foods to try are pancakes, soups, applesauce, puddings, cooked veggies, ect. Some foods you will want to avoid during this process are foods that are sticky, chewy, hard, ect. Your mouth is going to feel a bit sore and uncomfortable at first as well. To help alleviate the soreness, you can rinse your mouth with a salt-water solution or take an over-the-counter analgesic.

Brushing and flossing is always important no matter what. However, when you get your braces put on, you will need to make sure you are brushing and flossing consistently. This is a very important step in ensuring your teeth stay healthy and strong during your braces process.
Whether you’re a child or adult, you will be so glad you took the step to getting braces and giving yourself a straight, healthy smile. Tooth alignment can be changed at any age if your gums and bone structure are healthy. We offer traditional braces, invisible braces, and Invisalign for adults and children.

If you looking for Top Orthodontics clinic for braces in Roxboro. Please visit our website:http://enoriverorthodontics.com/

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